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10 Ultimate Must-follow Digital Marketing Trends For 2020

The digital marketing sector is ever-changing and as a marketer, you need to adapt to the trends to stay on top of your game. We are here to help you up your skills by giving you the top ten digital marketing trends for 2020.

Time waits for none and similarly, digital marketing trends wait for none. So keep up with these new and ongoing trends to beat competition at every step of the way. Read more to find out.

1. Live videos are the next big thing

Digital Marketing Trends 2020

Did you know that the live video industry is set to be worth $70 billion by 2021! An average audience member spends three times the amount of time watching a live video than a pre-recorded video. This is something for marketers to take a deeper look into. Live videos are more engaging and can influence the user in a better way. Make it as interesting and as informative as possible and try going live on channels like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

2. Interactive and good looking emails

Email Marketing Trends 2020

Gone are the days of boring, lengthy emails. Even today, emails remain the top marketing tactic to bring in ROI. It is high time you give your emails a polished look and keep them short. Adding interactive elements like videos, clickable buttons and interesting CTAs can help in conversions. Impress the audience with catchy titles, colourful graphics and make the copy as interesting as possible. Use a mobile-friendly design as most of your audience read on their phones. Send the emails are the best times for getting the most clicks and opens.

3. Continuous rise of AI Automation

Top Digital Marketing Trends 2020

We have heard a lot about this in 2019 and 2020 is not going to be any different but it will see big advancements in AI technology than ever before. AI is already helping companies by doing the heavy lifting in the marketing side of things so people can focus on brand strategy. It is high time we adopt this fantastic technology in enhancing our marketing efforts. AI, today, is helping hyper-personalize the customer experience by enabling brands to understand and learn more about their audience.

4. Optimize for featured snippets

SEO Trends In 2020

Digital marketing trends change so rapidly because the algorithms and updates happen at jet speeds. Just as algorithms become smarter, the marketer also needs to be smart enough to adjust and tweak the campaigns according to them. We all know Google updates its algorithm hundreds of times a year. Make use of featured snippets, along with top-class SEO to constantly rank on the first page. Optimize your content and structure it well to fit the featured snippet perfectly. Remember that today, we need to write for machines and humans alike.

5. Audience’s sentiment analysis

Recent Trends In Digital Marketing

At the end of the day, for any small conversion to take place, we need to add a human touch. The process of analysing the reactions of customers on social media through comments and feedback on a product or service is called social listening or sentiment analysis. It makes use of data collecting tools and algorithms to understand user responses. Tools like Repustate, Lexalytics, etc, allow you to get inside the customer’s brain so you can tweak your campaigns, marketing strategies and social media content.

6. Tap into micro-influencers

Influencer Marketing 2020 Trends

Influencer marketing has been a new rage. It is so successful today and for a brand to soar, it must make space for this in its marketing strategy. If your budget is small, start with micro-influencers for a niche audience segment. The good thing about this is that the trust is already built by the audience and they have a deeper connection with the influencer. Your job gets easier from there. Look for influencers that have a genuine following, highly engaged audience and who are cost-effective.

7. Social commerce or shoppable posts

2020 Advertising Predictions

Social media is all about making life easier for brands. In a new update, platforms like Instagram has rolled out a new update where users can directly shop from the post itself. This also includes an online shop and a checkout too! With more than 53% of people researching products on different platforms before purchase, this makes it even easier for people to just click and shop. Similarly, a Shopify store allows you to create an online store and link it directly to Instagram and Snapchat. Pinterest also includes an online store on its platform.

8. Programmatic advertising

Future Of Digital Marketing 2020

Programmatic advertising is the automated purchasing of media or ads on different digital platforms such as social, mobile apps, display and even audio. This has multiple advantages as an advertiser can create an ad impression when a user visits a website using programmatic advertising. With this type of advertising, you can get a more targeted or focused response in real-time leading to increased conversions and higher engagement. It also helps in increasing as relevancy, as safety and security.

Click here to know more about programmatic advertising in detail.

9. Content styles

Digital Marketing Trends

We know that content must appeal to the audience. In 2020, we welcome a completely new set of audience called the Gen Z. They are smart, fast and tech-savvy. To keep up with them, we should make sure that we speak their language. They will make up to 40% of the audience this year. A few tips and digital marketing trends to include in your marketing strategy would be to include memes, use interactive and diverse content.

10. Vlogging

Online Advertising Trends For 2020

Vlogs attract more people today. They speak directly to the audience creating a personal touch and communicate directly. Today, vlogs are a great boon to marketers. Learn what type of video content works for your business or brand and start vlogging today. It can be as simple as you explaining your brand to the audience. Start small and go big from there. Video marketing is here to stay and will continue to grow in the near future too.


Hope these top 10 digital marketing trends help you in marketing your brand well. If you’re looking for help with the same or anything related to digital marketing, we can be of assistance. Drop-in a message by clicking the button below and we will get in touch with you. Happy marketing!

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